
Some simple tutorials to get you started analysing the CANARI-LE.

To try these tutorials independently, clone the repository in JASMIN with the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/CANARI-sprint/tutorials.git
cd tutorials

!IMPORTANT: You need to have access to the CANARI gws.

Here's a catalog of the available notebooks. The first 8 tutorials refer to the COAsT python package.

1) Basic Data Manipulation: Introduction to data handling using the COAsT package.

2) Exporting to NetCDF: Guide on exporting outputs to netCDF format for future use or analysis.

3) Climatology Tutorial: Demonstrates calculating climatological means and multi-year climatologies.

4) Calculating EOFs: How to utilize COAsT for computing Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs).

5) Potential Energy Analysis: Tutorial on calculating Potential Energy Anomaly and applying regional masking..

6) Pycnocline Diagnostics: Exploration of pycnocline depth and thickness diagnostics.

7) Seasonal Decomposition: Techniques for decomposing time series into trend, seasonal, and residual components.

8) Transect Calculations: Methods for creating data transects.

9) Basic Plots and Analysis: Utilizing CANARI-LE historical data for Sea Surface Temperature (SST) visualization.

10) UK Precipitation Plots: Making plots of UK precipitation using the iris python package, curtesy of Ben Harvey.

11) Box Profile Development: Computing ocean profiles with selected variables making use of the lotus queue on JASMIN.