
This page contains all the pre-event setup required to prepare you to make the most of the event. New items may appear on the list as the event gets closer.

  1. Sign-up for the event to make sure you are kept in the loop with the last information and see potential collaborators on the spreadsheet.

  2. Slack Workspace

    1. Make sure you can sign into the CANARI Slack workspace. If you don't have access to the CANARI slack space please contact Ben Harvey ( or Jenny Mecking ( to send you an invite.

    2. Join the appropriate channels on the CANARI Slack workspace, all channels relevant to the sprint will be prefaced with the word 'sprint'. There are channels setup where you can get help for the sprint which will be monitored, they will be labeled starting 'sprint-help'.

    3. Feel free to add channels to help collaborate your analysis during the sprint and make sure to label them with 'sprint'.

  3. JASMIN - keep in mind it might take a few days to get your accounts approved

    1. Make sure you have a JASMIN account. If you are new to JASMIN please mention the CANARI-LE sprint in your application. Instructions on signing up for an account can be found here. If you are only planning on using JASMIN for the sprint and don't have an account please contact Jenny Mecking ( and a temporary account can be setup.

    2. Sign-up for the required JASMIN services through the accounts portal.

      1. JASMIN log-in account

      2. CANARI group workspace (gws)

    3. (optional) Link your JASMIN account with a CEDA account. This will provide you with access to several datasets including ERA5 and CMIP data.

    4. (optional) If you want to give the dask gateway a try during the sprint you can signup on the JASMIN dask gateway page.

    5. (optional) If you want to try processing of data using GPUs you need to signup for the additional service, orchid through the JASMIN accounts portal.

  4. ZOOM - communication during the sprint will be done via zoom, please make sure you are able to connect

  5. Plan your analysis

    1. Several work packages have been actively making plans on what they would like to do. If you are unsure of what analysis you are planning on doing in the first instance speak with your work package leader and/or centre lead (you can see who this is in the sign-up spread sheet). If that fails contact someone from the signup spreadsheet with similar interests to you.

    2. Take a look at the data on JASMIN to make sure the data you want to work with is there and looks correct. The data can be found here on JASMIN: /gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/priority/ (for more details on the data)

  6. Shared datasets and shared analysis

    1. If you want to use any observation based dataset or other to compare the data from the CANARI-LE or already have dowloaded some datasets please fill in this spreadsheet.

    2. If you are planning on doing, would like to use or have already done some analysis that might be useful for multiple people (e.g. computing the Atlantic Multi-decadal Variability (AMV) or computing jet stream latitudes) please fill in this spreadsheet.