
The CANARI-LE is currently being run on ARCHER2 with data being stored on tape on JASMIN with some data being stored in the CANARI group workspace (gws).

Ensemble Details

Model: HadGEM3-GC1.3-MM, same configuration as used in CMIP6, global configuration version 3.1

Ocean: NEMO3.6

Atmosphere: UM

Sea Ice: CICE

Land: Jules

40 historical (1950-2014) ensemble members

40 future projection, SSP3-7.0 (2015-2100) ensemble members

More information on the CANARI-LE can be found here.

State of Ensemble

Currently running historical simulations, with 27 ensemble members completed and 13 running. Detailed information on the state of the ensemble can be found here.

Data Access

To access the CANARI-LE data available on JASMIN you need to apply for access to the CANARI gws through the JASMIN accounts portal under the my services button.

An example set of data is currently uploaded onto the CANARI gws (/gws/nopw/j04/canari/users/reinhard/data/u-cy573-sample) and priority variables are in process of being downloaded from tape to JASMIN (/gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/priority/HIST2).

The list of priority variables are on this spreadsheet. You can find the long names for the variables and the short names used in the netcdf files. Please pay particular attention to the notes in red.

Useful Files

For the ocean the mesh_mask and subbasins files can be found in the CANARI gws here /gws/nopw/j04/canari/shared/large-ensemble/ocean

How to cite

There is no specific paper yet on the large ensemble, so please reference the HadGEM3.1 paper (Williams et al. 2017) and acknowledge CANARI and JASMIN.

HadGEM3-GC3.1-MM Papers

Williams et al. 2017 The Met Office Global Coupled Model 3.0 and 3.1 (GC3.0 and GC3.1) Configurations

Menary et al. 2018 Preindustrial Control Simulations With HadGEM3-GC3.1 for CMIP6

Andrews et al. 2020 Historical Simulations With HadGEM3-GC3.1 for CMIP6

Lai et al. 2022 Mechanisms of Internal Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in HadGEM3-GC3.1 at Two Different Resolutions